1. Design: Access, easements, setbacks, elevation, drainage, utilities and municipal codes must all be considered in planning a successful project. This information coupled with your imagination and budget will start the process to create your dream Pool.
2. We can look for financing with a few banks or you can. It all depends on the credit.
3. Permits: Will check with the municipalities. When needed we provide the necessary plans and specifications to assist you with home owner association’s approval.
4. Layout: Once the pool has been laid out and the elevation set we will review the plans and building process with you.
5. Excavation: This is the first step in the actual construction process. The crew sets the form boards and your dream Pool begins to take shape. Strict attention is given to critical dimensions as our crew carves out the custom shape.
6. Steel: Our steel reinforcement schedule exceeds ANSI standards for expansive soil conditions and is the basis for our unsurpassed structural warranty.
7. Plumbing: The hydraulic system for each and every dream Pool is designed for safety, energy efficiency and water purity. State of the art equipment ensures minimal effort to maintain your Pool.
8. Gunite: Pneumatically applied under pressure to our specifications. This process creates the superior strength of your dream Pool. The crew members are masters at sculpting the gunite structure of your Masterpiece Pool.
9. Tile & Coping: Your selection of materials coupled with our craftsmanship set the tone and style for the project.
10. Electrical: Licensed electricians will schedule an appointment to gain access to your main electrical panel. They will wire the lighting and filtration systems to your homes electrical service. Electrical service re-routes and panel up-grades are determined by the city and electrical codes.
11. Code Plumbing: Each municipality has its own codes, p-traps, backwash lines, vacuums breakers and gas lines when required are all inspected and approved by the city.
12. Deck Form: Size, shape, design and location further set the tone for the project. The crew will set the deck forms according to plan install cushion sand, place the steel reinforcing, and the electrician will bond the steel for inspection.
13. Deck Pour: The material you have chosen for your pool deck becomes a focal point; our crews are craftsmen and your dreamPool is rapidly becoming a true work of art.
14. Clean up: Our crew’s remove all construction debris, prepare the shell for plaster, burnish the ground with a raked sand finish, and close the access.
15. Pool finish: Your choice of material is the crowning texture to your Pool. Once the finish has been applied, your pool immediately begins to fill; splash down is just around the corner.
16. Start up: Once your dream Pool is full we will set an appointment to start the pool and conduct a maintenance seminar with you. We are just a phone call away if you have questions or need support.